Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thoughtful Thursdays: Birthing Centers

I was thinking about what to write about today and I was thinking about doing a piece on Hospital vs. Birthing Centers.... but with not wanting to stir too many pots out there, I decided to focus on Birthing Centers and why I will only have my kids there or at home.  And I'm not even going to get into natural birth vs. medicated...... just sayin'...  But before we start talking, just know that I'm so grateful for modern medicine, hospitals, and doctors who save lives everyday.  If me and my baby were ever in trouble or high risk I would birth at a hospital.  The following post is for those of us who are low risk, and would have no issues with a natural childbirth.

There are still some areas in the US that are without free standing birthing centers.  I don't consider birthing centers in hospitals as real birthing centers.  While they strive for natural childbirth they still must follow hospital protocol unlike a free standing birthing center.  I called an 'in hospital' birthing center and asked what percentage of their patients end up getting epidural, and was told it was around 92%!! Yikes!  So when I refer to a birthing center, it will always be a free standing birthing center.

When I first found out I was prego with KJ I did what every other female does.... found an OBGYN at the best hospital and made an appointment.  It was at my first consultation with this new doctor that I had expressed to him my want to have a natural childbirth.  He kinda chuckled and said "You don't get a trophy for going natural."  I left the appointment shocked and ticked off.  So that started my journey for a doctor who would support my want to go natural.....  I never even made another appointment with an OBGYN because I found something much much better.  Since I was healthy, very low risk, and was bound and determined to go natural we looked at options outside the hospitals.  What we found would forever change my way of looking at birth, labor and delivery, and pregnancy in general.

We researched and discovered the Austin Birthing Center  

There are many differences that make a birthing center a better option for healthy low risk pregnancies.  Here is a list of things that I found to love about delivering at a birthing center:

  • Your labor is never on the time clock and you can labor relaxed knowing that there won't be any unnecessary interventions such as the use of Pitocin to make contractions stronger and speed up labor.
  • During labor you can eat and drink whatever you are wanting.  Some labors last over 18 hours and it is important to keep up your strength by eating.
  • Moving around: During labor you can move around as freely as you would at home.  You can also use water as a pain relief method.
  • Water birth!  At a birthing center they will let you deliver in the tub for a water birth.
  • Midwives... midwives are amazing human beings!  Instead of having a doctor come in to catch the baby and leave again, these midwives are with you every step of the way.  Such support and wisdom is priceless during labor!
  • YOUR birth:  You get to make your birth experience exactly how you want it.  Use candles, music, dim lighting, and who ever you want to be present.  (for KJ's birth it was me and my hub and three midwives... with ET we will have me, Mr. D, KJ, my mother, and one midwife)  There is also no visiting hours, so who ever you want can be there for as long as you want them there!
  • No drugs:  While all birthing centers are fully stocked medical facilities, there is no use of epidurals or other pain medications.  Since there isn't that option, you trust your body to do the work and get through it, using more natural methods of coping with the pain.
  • Atmosphere:  Most birthing centers are set up to look like your home; very cozy, warm and welcoming.  Also there is less risk of infections for both you and your new born since you aren't sharing the same air as thousands of sick patients in a hospital.
  • Price:  The average cost of a hospital birth is around 10,000 - 30,000 depending on if you get a C-section or not.  Most birthing centers charge around 4,000-6,000 for all services!  All prenatal care, labor and delivery, and postpartum care included.
  • Other protocols:  Normal stay after birth is between 4 and 6 hours instead of days, IVs are not used so you are never 'tied' to any machines, etc.....
Now that I'm prego with ET and we moved from Austin to WA, we found a new birthing center to deliver at.  We are planning a water birth and Mr. D is going to be 'catching' his first son.  We also decided that we want KJ there and an active participant, so her job is to help cut the cord :)  

I could go on for days about the benefits of choosing a birthing center for my deliveries.... but I think there are a few resources that can spell out the differences better than I can.  Two movies I totally recommend for ANYONE who is pregnant or looking to become pregnant is:

'The Business of Being Born'
Currently on netflix instant stream

'Pregnant In America'
Currently on Netflix instant stream

There are so many books out there on this topic of natural childbirth and birthing centers.  Below are just a few that I have personally read and wanted to share.  Please check your local library for these and other great reads on labor and delivery.



If you are wanting to go natural and there are no free standing birthing centers in your area make sure you share with your doctor your desire to have a natural delivery.  Ask them what the percentage of interventions are such as the use of pitocin and epidurals.  Also ask what the hospital's c-section rate is.  Knowledge is power, so ask all the questions you can and make a choice in doctor that will support your wishes to have a natural delivery.


  1. Don't forget Susan McCutcheons Natural Childbirth the Bradley way! That book is amazing. It dummied it down for me to understand everything my body was doing. I also had a baby at the Austin Area Birthing Center. ALthough, sadly, it was my second birth. My first was at a hospital with an epidural, and I'm here to tell you, from experience with both, my second birth experience was far better. ANd recovery time was weeks less. So thank you for this post. I didnt know KJ was a natural baby too! AWesome :)

    Ps- This is Jennifer from Austin (picture people, tastefully simple) :) and I dont know why its going to my old blog. That was from when I was a vegetarian for 6 months. I never finished the blog but i finished my 6 months :)

  2. Jennifer!! Thanks for sharing :) And yes that is also another great book! We took bradley method classes when i was prego with KJ. And that is so cool that you birthed at the Austin Area Birthing Center too!! I LOVED all the ladies there :)
