Friday, April 6, 2012

Free Write Fridays: Family Game Night

How many of you have a family game night?  We don't have a specific night but some of my fondest memories of my family have been when we sit around the table, after dinner is cleaned up, and do something creative or fun together.
Painting pumpkins, playing games and puzzles, etc....

Growing up we didn't have a family game night, and maybe that is why we don't have a specific night we do things like that.  We do have family picnic/movie night usually on a Friday.  We spread out blankets in the living room and eat our dinner sitting on the floor.  Then we pop popcorn and put in a family friendly movie.  KJ gets so excited when we announce it is family movie night..... she goes running for the blankets.  :)

So what are your family fun nights??
Do you have a specific night?
Do you play games? Paint? Watch a movie?

Please comment below and share your family fun for everyone to get some cool ideas!

Painting Pumpkins

Family Picnic/Movie Night

Paint by number

Legos... I think dad had more fun than KJ :)

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