Friday, June 8, 2012


So little ET is now 4 months old and apparently teething.

His current symptoms:

Pulling at his ears
More fussy/grumpy than normal
no fever (thank goodness)
waking more during the night
pulls away during feedings (ouch)
more drool
swollen gums

Little ET letting me know he isn't having fun :(

So I wanted to share with everyone what we are doing to ease his pain the all natural way :)

Some pediatricians recommend small doses of infant tylenol but I don't like drugs so we aren't going that route.  You can get baby Orajel 'Naturals'... it is benzocaine-free, alcohol-free, and dye-free.  You can also try teethers that you can purchase from babies r us.  After watching a documentary on the toxins in plastics, I have tried to limit the amount of plastic ET is exposed to.  Plastic Planet Doc

But our favorite thing that helps little man, didn't even cost a dime!!  Take a wash cloth (or wash rag if your from KY, hehe) and place a single ice cube in the middle.  Then I took a hair tie but you can use anything they can't bite through, and tie off the ice cube in the center of the wash cloth.  That gives your little one a cold hard cube to chew on, the cloth soaks up any melting water, and his hands don't get cold like they would with a teether because he holds it where the cloth is dry and room temp!!  And an added bonus of it not being plastic and therefore more natural and cheaper than your average teether!!!

I hope this helps some of my other natural mammas out there that are going through teething!

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